
Chambers Wellness Blog



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We offer a wide variety of fitness and lifestyle classes that can help improve well-being.

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“Self-care is now more important than ever! I did not hesitate to resume my visits as both my acupuncture sessions and well-being visits are fundamental to my overall physical and mental health.  It is clear Chambers Center for Well-Being has gone the extra mile to ensure safety.  I am grateful for the Chamber’s safe and trusted environment which has enabled me to refocus on reducing stress, managing pain, and stimulating my body’s natural healing abilities.” 

– Sophia L.
“I started seeing Dr. Bianca Chiara seeking treatment for chronic hives that I have been dealing with for several years. She performed an extensive health history and prescribed a range of tests, from which she was able to diagnose the root cause and began treating me with supplements, medication and dietary changes. I am very grateful to her for helping me and finally putting me on the right path to solve my health issues.” 
- Joseph J.

“I lost 11 pounds, 5 inches off my waist and am now within my recommended range for blood pressure and glucose because of Chamber Center for Well-Being’s 8-week Lifestyle Change Program. But what I’m most grateful for is learning how to improve my nutrition, wellness, and increase movement to build a healthier present and future. I highly recommend this program, go for it!”

- Vibart Y.


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